Doctor Staffing Made Easy

An online platform to connect hospitals with locum (temporary) doctors who provide crucial adhoc cover.

Work with us

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Offices worldwide
Full-time colleagues
Hours per week
Paid time off

What Does LocumDoc Do?

Learn about our specialization.

Locum Shift

Provide locum doctors who are onboarded on the platform with shifts around them.

Referral Bonus

Enable doctors to earn a referral bonus when they onboard doctor colleagues to the platform. This will facilitate adoption through the various doctor networks.

Digital Timesheet

Provide digital timesheet services to ensure that doctors who do these locum shifts are captured digitally.

Easy Payments

Offer easy processing of payment for locum shifts for doctors ensuring that they get paid within 2 working days from completed shifts.

Why LocumDoc?

LocumDoc provides a platform to connect hospitals/agencies hassle-free who need locum covers and locum doctors who need locum shifts without any third party involvements.

Learn more

How it works

The Three (3) Easy Steps

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Any doctor licensed by the General Medical Council with a valid GMC Number can register to LocumDoc providing GMC license, Right to work and Medical Degree Certificate
Find & Book
Search locum jobs in the locality within the specialty of your choosing. Select the shift that suites your rates and book.
It's Done, Do Your Shift
Get confirmed by the hospital management and attend the shift and get paid

Best & Simple Pricing

LocumDoc provides flexible plans that suites your needs

£ 0
Limited features you will get on this package or plan
Find Locum
Book Shifts
Manual Timesheet Entry
Electronic Timesheet
2 Days Payments
Referral Tags and Bonuses
£ 29 .99 monthly
Only some features you will get on this package or plan
Electronic Timesheet
2 Days Payment
Referral Tags and Bonuses
Earning Dashboard
£ 49 .99 monthly
All features you will get on this package or plan
Referral Tree - earn £0.5/hour worked by referred doctor
Earning Dashboard

LocumDoc centers all around the World

Location isn't a barrier, we get you matched as son as possible and hassle-free.

Beautiful Interfaces

FAQS - Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it take to verify my profile?

We are committed to ensuring the quality and accuracy of our LocumDoc services, which is why we will verify your Doctor's profile within 24 hours of submission. Once your profile has been verified, you will be able to begin using our services. We appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to ensure the integrity of our platform, and we thank you for choosing LocumDoc as your healthcare provider.

How to get my payment after the Shift?

We would like to inform you that your payment will be processed once we have received your timesheet and verified it with the hospitals. To expedite the payment process, we encourage you to consider upgrading to our premium plans, which allow for faster processing of timesheets through electronic submission. We strive to provide our healthcare providers with timely and accurate payments for their services, and we appreciate your cooperation in helping us achieve this goal. Thank you for using our services.

Can I cancel my shift at the last minute?

We kindly request that doctors provide at least 72 hours' notice prior to cancelling a scheduled shift. If cancellation occurs later than this, a negative credit of £30 will be applied and deducted from the doctor's next shift payment. We understand the importance of the healthcare sector and the critical role it plays in our lives, and we rely on our doctors to fulfill their commitments to our community. We appreciate your dedication and commitment to providing healthcare services through our app.